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Last week I was writing the day I was heading down to Monterey and I came back on the weekend. It was a short and sweet trip, I always like visiting that area and the drive is usually nice and scenic. It was much busier than I anticipated, since I think all of the schools in the area (and probably a few other places) were out for break and with Easter on the weekend. So we tried to go around that as much as possible, like parking at my favorite hiking spot was fuller then in years passed, but we still got a spot and took a nice 2-3 hour hike.

I did stop by Monarch Yarns, even with the rain and high winds. Though I did not buy anything, even though I had some ideas. I was pulling out shelter to make another Atlas or Gretir, but I kept pulling the same colors as I was wearing (in my Atlas). So I had to put it down and look around more. I ended up just heading back to the hotel, no yarn in hand. I was thinking of getting some yarn for the Emotional Support Chicken, but I will probably look at my LYS when I’m there next Friday. Though I did order some yarn when I got back, some more of the yarn I need to complete the sweater I’m working on. Since I just can not find the 8th skein of yarn that I know I’m supposed to have. That should come next week, so I should be able to get the sleeves done before it comes and then I can finish the collar.

When we came back the weather was so nice, I knew I needed to take advantage of it and get the fleece back out. So I set up the folding table outside and picked out the locks to be washed. I think I ended up washing around 1.5lbs of fleece and I can see the bag of raw fleece is shrinking. I’m hopeful that this first fleece will be fully washed by mid May. I would have done more picking out locks and washing today, but the weather isn’t agreeing.

I’m going to try and update more than once a week, but that’ll depend on my schedule and some future projects I’m trying to work more on.